Saturday, June 9, 2012

Girls Camp - Day 1

A few weeks ago, I was called to serve as the Assistant Camp Director and was blessed with the opportunity to go to camp. I did have to work the morning of the first day but still made it in time. We met at the church and prepped to leave. While waiting to leave, we all put on our shirts with the theme S.H.I.N.E., standing for Seeking Him Impacts Now & Eternity. Our shirts were neon yellow with a star. Upon arrival to camp (Cinnamon Creek), we ate our sack lunches and then set up camp. It was a beautiful day weather wise. There was a sprinkler set up and the girls cooled off playing in that. Some leaders even got involved and it was super fun!!!
One of the first things we did was make our camp banner that went with our theme. Our YCL (Youth Camp Leader) had made it and we all added a star to it about what makes us shine.

After that, we gave out skit bags. Where camp was just for our ward, we divided it up where skits would be done by the girls, leaders and the priesthood. We spent some time prepping and roasted hot dogs with biscuits around them for dinner, which the girls loved.
After dinner, we performed our skits for each other. They turned out really good and the girls ended up making up a song going along with our camp theme.
"S H is for seeking him
 I is for impact
Now and 
Shine is the theme of Girls Camp
Right here at Cinnamon Creek"

Our girls are soooo creative!

The night was finished with smores, singing, and games around the campfire!


The Sayer Family said...

YAY! Can't wait to hear more!