Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Crazy Life of Me!

Life has been so insanely crazy lately and with reason. It's been an adventure. Since I finally have a minute, and finally have internet, here are some of the details.

I'm healthy, FINALLY!!! I had my post-op appointment and was told that everything looked good. It was recommended to make a few changes in my diet. All in all, I am so grateful that the craziness of surgeries is over. My stomach still is my stomach, but that has become a norm.

I am employed! I started a new job on July 15th. It is definitely a new experience. Through my therapy and job hunting, I have learned the importance of making sure it is the right job and not overdoing things. I know my boundaries and have to be honest with myself and my employer and co-workers.

On top of that, I moved. This isn't one of the small moves from one apartment to another. It was from one city to another. The interesting part is that I did not have a place to live when the job started. At the end of my first week, I had a place, but couldn't move in until the first weekend of August. I am so grateful for the people who have helped me move things, or let me stay with them and helped keep me calm.

I have also been commuting on the weekends and have one more weekend left, so that I can finish up things at the temple, with moving, with my calling and see everyone I want before I am not there as frequently.

During all this, my brother graduated from college. We were able to all be together as a family and go up to Rexburg. I am so proud of him and this accomplishment. After he was finished, we were talking with one of his professors and he said that we would be seeing big things from Brady in the future. I couldn't agree more.

On top of all of this I have had reunions with different friends who are amazing. I attended a concert, drove a Uhaul, and made friends with 3 little boys by speaking Spanish to them. I also traveled to my sister's house, with my parents, for Independence Day. I'm sure there is more that I have done, but these are the main things. :)


Melissa K. said...

Those ninos are the cutest. :-)