Tuesday, August 12, 2014

So Long to Logan

As I was getting ready to leave town on Sunday evening, I crossed paths with an old neighbor. She and I began to talk and she asked how living in the new place was. I could not think of an answer right away. She shared her own experience about moving and not knowing why, and how she did find out why until later. She shared the saying, "When one door closes, another door opens". While I believe that is true, what she said next made so much more sense. She said that after the door, sometimes there is a hall before you get to the next door. I definitely feel like I'm in a hall and am really looking forward to finding the next door.

However, I want to use this post to focus on the memories, times, and people that have been so important these past five years. I cannot even begin to explain my feelings. There have been exciting moments. There were definitely hard times. I can honestly say the hardest times I have ever been through in my life took place there. However, many amazing and rewarding experiences happened there as well. I learned more about myself and who I truly am and want to become. I  discovered new passion, hobbies and skills. This was definitely a time for molding. I am happy with who I have become.

It is strange how a place where I lived for five years, truly became my home. Going to Poky was home too, but when I was there and headed back, saying I was heading home, truly felt right. Many people wondered how it was home, without my family. It was because the people there became my family. I was blessed with so many different families and amazing friends too. My ward family, my temple family, my work family, and more. I would love to start listing names, but cannot. It would take too much space and I would leave someone out who meant so much to me. Plus, I really do not want to bore you. Just know, if you lived there, you most likely made a huge impact on me,

I have so many fond memories. Here are some of the fun ones (there have been so many). I enjoyed many hikes on may trails, Girls Camp (3 years!!!), movie nights in the park, fireworks, country dancing, mutual activities, exploring adventures, boating, Oompa Loompa dancing, random, crazy moments with roommates, volleyball games. acting out songs, singing and dancing to Spice Girls (who doesn't love them), potlucks, find raisers, Girl's Nights, working at the temple, amazing walks with great people, great runs, cave exploring, gelato, meeting and playing with kids, babysitting, my young women, the amazing leaders I've served with, the beautiful sunsets, and so much more.

I remember when I was moving into my first place, I had parked my car, unloaded it and attempted to organize it. I was in the house for 40 minutes, at the most. When I came out, there was a boot on my car. It wasn't the best start to this new experience. Thankfully, things got better, though parking was an interesting issue. In the past five years, I have had 7 roommates and lived in 4 different places. Crazy, right? I have been in three different wards, held 6 or 7 callings, I was associated with a non-profit organization for three years.

Life was not perfect, but I always had a support system there for me as I went through more health challenges than I care to remember. I've been told a couple of times that I should be done until I am at least 60 or maybe even 80. I could not have done this alone.

When I decided to attend a family ward, in stead of a YSA ward, I was worried that I was setting my self up to be friendless. However, my friends were still by my side, I made more friends, and, after my call into young womens, the girls became my friends. In all my callings, the people have served with have become some of my dearest friends.

I remember driving into the valley, from all directions and always looking for the temple first (It's beautiful and definitely my favorite, by far) and then Old Main to see if the A was blue. I remember looking out windows and off hills and mountains, thinking how beautiful the valley and all of the creations really are.

As I drove out of the valley, after two days of tears, my mind was flooded with memories and pictures of so many people, places, events and more. Certain places remind me of certain people or experiences. My heart was filled with gratitude for each. I offered a prayer of gratitude for the many wonderful things and that I will never forget these times. My eyes filled with tears.

Whether it be with a smile, or a kind word, or a fun night, or a serious and meaning conversation, those meant the world to me. Every act of service offered, was a blessing. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done. I will miss you all so much and I will miss living in Logan.