Friday, August 26, 2011

Lessons Learned

That's right folks, it is now time for another episode of Lessons Learned, brought to you by me! Ha Ha. So get comfortable and grab a snack and a notepad, because these are good!

~New cars drive great!
~Good conversations with a friend teaches you tons about them and yourself!
~The more similarities you find with people, you find out that there really are types of people and you are a type.
~Everyone needs to have a cat. (This was taught by a 3-year old boy).
~If you do not have a cat, then said 3-year old boy will pretend to be your cat.
~Little kids bring excitement to life.
~Give kids candy and they'll like you!
~Guitar Hero is intense. Not so good at it, but it was my first time.
~Insurance hunting is no bueno. Just need to go and get it done.
~Talking with someone on the phone about good stuff makes me happy :)
~When cleaning a car, you tend to get dirty. Kind of ironic, right?
~Even an old car can feel nice when clean.
~Throwing a Frisbee takes skills that I don't have, at least not yet.
~Zumba is super-fun
~The day after Zumba, you will be super-dehydrated so carry water with you wherever you go. Seriously!
~Good co-workers are great to have! It makes work more fun!
~A job can be considered amazing when you can eat a Caramel Cob and do your job at the same time and not be looked at as a slacker but more as Quality Assurance. (So Sweet!!!)


Tiffany Tibbitts said...

Congrats on your new car. I'm happy you were finally able to get one and that you enjoy your new coworkers.

Lisa said...

Nice!!! Looks like I've missed out on tons in your life. I think it might be time for another girl's night... :)