My niece has been such a blessing to her family, and on Sunday she was blessed. I cannot even explain how amazing it was to be present there. The spirit so strongly. She is such a beautiful little girl.
There was a special feeling of "Forever Families" and I think that below is one of the cutest Forever Families that I know.
I am so grateful that I got be there and share in this wonderful event.
So, I am not so great at knowing what to say on these types of things, but here it goes. My life is fabulous, and that is not a lie, because I have the hardest time lying. Ha Ha. I love life and how blessed I am! I have met and know so many wonderful family members and friends. All these things make my life the best life for me!
In the summer of 2005 I became sick. The doctors were not able to diagnose me with anything. In April of 2006, I was diagnosed with a medical condition call "gastroparesis". Other medical conditions have come, because of the gastroparesis. Having this condition has truly been a learning experience and a blessing, in ways. I have included some links that provide info about this condition.
Thanks for sharing in this special day with us. It will be a day that will never be forgotten, and always remembered.
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