Monday, May 9, 2011


This is not the easiest entry for me to write. For some reason, I have tried to avoid drawing attention to this medical condition that has plagued me for 5 1/2 years now. I received an email from a friend today with a link to a news story on a girl who struggled with gastroparesis. Please check it out. The story is great. Here is that link:

"Saving Gentrie: Teen Survives Tough Battle Against Disease that Paralyzed Her Stomach"

In some cases, she suffered far more than I did. However, when I first started getting sick, I was not diagnosed for six months or more. I, too, was placed on Reglan and many other medicines, that were not always the cheapest. The constant throwing up was not as terrible as her's was, but it was still a nightmare at times. We even discussed the possiblility of putting tubes in me to help me get the utrients that I needed. I was also asked numerous times if I had an eating disorder. It was really frustrating. I still struggle daily with different aspects of gastroparesis, but some days are definitely better than others.

Since my diagnosis, I have had many tests and actually been told twice that I am a candidate for the gastric pacemaker. Unlike the story, the first time this option came up was when I was talking to a doctor in Utah who suggested the procedure. At the point, I was told that it was experimental and insurance would not cover it. I have heard that it is less experimental now, but am fighting the insurance battle currently.

I do not write this posts to complain. There have been so many blessings that I have seen in my life that are a direct result from this trial and condition that I have. I have learned how to live a happy, fulfilling life, while dealing with this condition. It was hard to regulate what I can and cannot eat and portion size,but it has made a difference. This is more to inform people that this is a real condition that needs attention. On the side of this blog, you can find links to websites that contain more information about this condition.

Though I do not claim to know everything about this condition, please feel free to ask me questions that you may have. I will do my best to answer them. Although I know a cure is still a long ways off, it is possible to raise awareness.


Lisa said...

You are amazing. You have always seemed so strong in handling such a tough trial. Thanks for your faith and strength!