Wednesday, March 14, 2012


"You want Intimidation. I'll show you Intimidation. I wanna up." Quote from Little Giants. That is the first thing I think of when I hear the word intimidation. For those who may not remember, this is said by a rather wimpy looking kid, flexing his muscles in the mirror. (See Below).

Not really the profile picture of intimidation to me.

(Thanks to Google Images for the picture)

A couple of years ago, I was talking to a guy friend (who is now married, no worries there). He told me that the problem with girls is that they are too perfect and are intimidating. That blew my mind. Intimidating??? Me???? Hhhhmmm....... It wouldn't have been as big of a deal if I had just heard it from him. However, I have heard this from a couple other sources(most of the male gender) too. This has got me thinking, am I intimidating???

A lot of people talking to me about my dating life lately. Don't ask me why. Ha Ha. Maybe it just out of concern for my eternal well-being or maybe just because they are nosy. Who knows. There has been a wave of people who want to set me up with their son, grandson, nephew, friends, or wife's co-worker's brother. (Yup, that really happened). I don't mind it at all because I get to meet some great people.

A few days ago, I was involved in a conversation about, what else, dating. When they found out I was single, it started. Why aren't you dating anyone? I can't believe your not married? "You are so happy and nice and cute". Plus all the other questions we single ladies get. I so wanted to say because I am too perfect and intimidate the guys. Ha ha. Honestly, I did not think that really applies and that I am an intimidating person. Instead, my response is the "I don't know." and the "Ask the guys." which people never respond to well. This usually comes from ladies. However, a married man (my friend's husband) said yesterday (to his wife and not to me) that he was not sure why I was still single.

This has got me thinking (and maybe this is a question that I should address to an audience of males too): Am I intimidating? Do I come across as scary? If so, how can I become less intimidating, without changing who I am? What is the best way to respond to the questions above? I know, this is a lot of questions, but it has been on my mind for a while and I am not quite sure what to think, believe or do about it.

This is not something that is impeding my life from progressing. I'm keeping busy, doing new things and learning tons. One of my main focuses right now is being the best me that I can be. Your comments would be much appreciated! Thank you all for being who you are.

Before you comment, just want to say one more thing.

GGGGGgggggggrrrrrrrrr............. (in the most intimidating way possible). Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.


Lisa said...

Whitney you are beautiful. You just haven't met your prince. When you do - he won't be intimidated. No matter what other people think. And I know that is really cliche' but I believe it.
Maybe you should call Sheri Dew or Barbara Thompson. :) You are just as awesome as them. Love your guts!

Jenny Axford Cook said...

As usual, Lisa is right! You know my philosophy. Men are sometimes shy or nervous to say how they feel or what they think and so I feel more comfortable saying something about how I feel to get the ball rolling and then they tend to be more at ease and open up more.

You know I think you're amazing! You deserve the best man available and you deserve all the happiness in the world. I hope you don't change who you are-you are incredible and any guy would be beyond lucky to have you!

Whitney said...

I don't know if you guys will see this or not, but to clarify, I'm not discouraged about not be married. That's will happen when it is supposed to happen. My concern is if I am intimidating, how to fix that because I don't want to be scary or intimidating. Also, Just wondering if this is really how guys feel: that girls are intimidating and such.

Tiffany Tibbitts said...

I am going to ask that question on my Facebook page, and see what I get! JK
Whit, we are just awesome people and our future husbands just aren't ready for our awesomeness!
Oh, and to answer your question, I have never been intimidated by you. Sorry if that bursts your bubble.

Whitney said...

Tiffany, you totally should!!! That would be epically cool to see the responses. Ha Ha. You are great. I've never really thought I was intimidating, but after some conversations, I began to wonder. Ha Ha.