Monday, October 25, 2010

Becoming One With Nature

A couple of Sundays ago, I learned that I was going to need to make a HUGE leap of faith and that it had to be soon. As I stressed a little, I decided to take the advice that President Uchtdorf gave and become one with nature and take time to slow down and make good decisions for life. A friend invited me to go to her institute classes with her the next day, and where it was a federal holiday I decided to go.

Here is the rest of the story:

We decided to ride bikes up to campus. At that point, I did not have my own bike so I borrowed one from another friend. We lowered the seat and were on our way. At one point, I realized there was a slight problem. The bike was too big for me and stopping was very difficult. Also, I had not been on a bike for quite some time. I am sure some cars got a laugh as I went running across the street, pushing the bike, because I could not get on it. It was a woman's bike and because I am somewhat vertically challenged, I only fit on youth bikes. After that little incident, I thought I would be fine. Boy was I wrong.

You see, there is this little ledge between where the sidewalk and grass meet. The bike tires got caught in that, and dear little me lost control of the bike. My friend turned around in time to see a scene like from a movie as I grabbed the bush to try to stop the fall and failed miserably. Needless to say, I become one with nature at the moment and probably gave a few more people a good laugh. Needless to say, once the bush and I separated, it made sure I have little souvenirs. Long story short I was pulling leaves out of my hair, had dirt all over my pants and later found a chunk of mud on my shoe and dirt on my forehead.

So, what did I get from all of this. Well:
Some pretty fun bruises (The pictures don't do them justice)

The opportunity to limp around and be sore for a couple of days.

And I finally got around to using my birthday money (six months late) and getting a new bike and helmet!

That is my story about how I literally became one with nature!


Lisa said...

LOL!!! That is too funny! I bet when Pres. Uchtdorf wrote that talk, he wasn't thinking so literally! :) Glad you survived to tell the tale!

Andrea said...

I am glad I could help you become one with nature. I'm sorry I laughed. I tried not to.Becoming one with nature was a good thing because now you have a bike! :)